2025 Mass intentions for the first half of the year (January - June) is now open.
Please read this letter from Fr. Tom in regards to the upcoming changes of our
Mass intentions for 2025
Dear All Saints Family,
Starting in the New Year, we will change how we do Mass Intentions here at All Saints University Parish. Currently at each Mass there is one intention for which the Mass is celebrated. As our parish grows, more requests for Mass intentions occur, but often people are not able to get the days they had hoped for. To alleviate this issue, we have a plan going forward, but before I explain that I would like to share a brief history which explains Mass Intentions more in depth.
Every Mass is offered for the benefit of the entire Church, but it has also been the custom since ancient times to offer Mass for particular individuals, whether living or deceased. For example, the 2nd-century writer Tertullian urged wives to have Mass offered for their husbands on the anniversary of their death (De monogamia, 10). St. Augustine said that the “sacrifice of our redemption” was offered for his mother, St. Monica, on the day of her burial (Confessions, 9:12). This is a praiseworthy practice so that the fruits of the Mass may be applied, and graces dispensed for the spiritual benefit of our loved ones. While the faithful bring their own intentions for which they pray during the Mass itself, the priest may be requested to offer the Mass for a particular intention as his personal intention, so that what has been called the “ministerial fruit” of the Mass may benefit the person for whom the priest offers the Mass. This is what is meant by a “Mass intention.”
Normally, a Mass is offered for only one intention: “separate Masses are to be applied for the intentions for which an individual offering, even if small, has been made and accepted” (Can. 948).
Because very often the number of Mass Intentions can outnumber the Masses offered at a parish, the Church allows twice during the week the ability to offer multiple intentions at one Mass. This is called a “collective” intention. Here at All Saints University Parish, the weekly “collective” intentions will be the Sunday 6 PM Mass and the Monday 8 AM Mass. Just like we do now, the “collective” intentions will be listed in the bulletin; however, they will not be individually said out loud during the Prayers of the Faithful. As I prepare for each Mass, I look at the names and intentions and bring them with me in my heart to the altar for the Mass. For the other Sunday Masses with a single intention, they will still be said out loud during the Prayers of the Faithful or at the beginning of Mass at the daily Masses.
Offering a Mass for your loved one or for a particular situation is a beautiful tradition in our Catholic faith. If you have any questions regarding our new practice for Mass Intentions, feel free to reach out to me.
Thanks, and God bless,
Fr. Tom Orlando
Mass Intentions 2025
Please Check the Calendar below before making your date request.
Please fill out the following request form below and we will respond to you shortly (VIA Email or Phone Call) to follow up and let you know if the date is approved.
Mass intentions are $10 each - you can pay on our online giving or you can come into our office and pay with cash or check.
Please note we will pencil in your date but it will not be confirmed until we receive your payment.
Mass intentions for the first half of 2025 (January - June) will be open the first week of November.